Looking deep into your eyes could not only show the state of your health but could predict just how well you are going to age. 

Dating back to ancient Greece, iridologists believe the iris of the eye acts like a map of the human body - similar to foot reflexology - showing the nerve supply of each organ and what state it’s in.

“It gives me a really good idea of where someone’s health is at,” explains iridologist and nutritionist Sarah di Lorenzo.

“It’s survived through the ages because our eyes are a tool to what’s really going on in our body.”

Although not recognised by western medicine, Sarah says its benefit lies in “the possibility of”. 

“You can’t sit there and diagnose a disease like a GP would, of course, because it’s just not recognised by our healthcare system but I think it's a fantastic tool and I can get a wealth of information.

“I can look at their hormones, their gut health, all of their body systems. I can see where their body’s been compromised and also what’s called ‘healing lines’ .Iif a patient follows my treatment plan I can see how well their body is healing because these specific lines will come up in the iris. It’s really wonderful.”

Even a one-off consultation will give a general understanding of your health picture says Sarah.

“If you are someone who’s interested in complementary medicine and optimum health and understanding your body and your hormones without having to go through a whole pile of functional testing (via breath, blood, saliva, urine or stool sample) it’s something you would enjoy.

”People who are interested in iridology are people who are interested in being their best self - they want that next-level wellness.”

How it works

During a 45-minute consultation, an iridologist uses a torch and a magnifying glass to examine the patterns, colours and markings of the iris and classifies the strength of a patient’s constitution as either silk, cotton, linen, hessian or net. 

Silk- good constitutional strength and rarely gets sick. 

Cotton- slightly less robust than silk and need a lot of exercise to stay healthy 

Linen - the most common type and emotionally sensitive 

Hessian - needs the most care to stay balanced 

Net- very intuitive about own body. 

Prevention is best 

Utilising iridology as preventative medicine is where its value lies for Sarah.  

“What I love is learning the constitution type of my patients,’ she says.  “A new patient can come see me, I’ll diagnose their constitution type and say: ‘Look, you’re 40 years old and you look pretty good now and I see you have a cotton constitution.  If I had a crystal ball and I looked at you in 20 years time I can tell that if you don’t have enough magnesium in your diet and you live a sedatory lifestyle that you’re going to end up with osteoarthritis because of your constitution type. I can say to someone with a silk constitution that you need to take care of your cardiovascular system . I’d put them on an early intervention of lots of fish oils and eating good fats because I know they have a predisposition towards chronic disease.”

The most common problem Sarah picks up in patients is a magnesium deficiency which she links to high-levels of sugar consumption from packaged foods. 

“Sugar will rip your body of magnesium, as will alcohol,” she warns.  “Just one molecule of sugar will deplete your body of 54 molecules of magnesium which we all need to relax muscles, help you get a good night’s sleep and keep you regular.”

Another of the biggest iris signs Sarah sees are ‘nerve rings’  with show muscular cramping, nervous tension and anxiety, and imbalances of the sympathetic nervous system.

“Sadly, I see a lot of this and it just breaks my heart.”

Contrary to popular opinion, an iridologist sees eye colour as vital information to underlying health problems. 

“We were only born with blue or brown eyes,’ explains Sarah. “So people with blue eyes and a greenish hue tend to have fluid imbalances, chronic energy depletion, or weight fluctuation; hazel eyes show an under-functioning of the kidney and dis-functional protein metabolism; auburn eyes show me an insulin imbalance and pancreatic disorder;  reddish eyes show me a hormonal imbalance in a patient, and brown eyes show me blood and tissue toxicity. ”  

Don’t think you can hide!” she laughs.   

“As an iridologist looking into someone’s eyes, I know more about them than they could possibly imagine I could know!” 


